
Скачать торрент Sword of the Stars: The Pit.v 1.0.4 (Kerberos Productions) (ENG) [P] (Раздача папкой)

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post 12-Апр-13 01:32

Sword of the Stars: The Pit

Год выпуска: 2013
Жанр: RPG (Rogue/Action) / Top-down
Разработчик: Kerberos Productions
Издательство: Kerberos Productions
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Тип издания: Пиратка
Версия игры: 1.0.4
Таблэтка: Вшита violett
Сайт игры: http://sots-thepit.com
Системные требования:
√ Операционная система: Windows XP / Vista / 7
√ Процессор: Intel Pentium IV с тактовой частотой 1.6 ГГц
√ Оперативная память: 1 Гб
√ Место на жестком диске: 500 Mб
√ Звуковое устройство: совместимое с DirectX 9.0c
√ Видеокарта: с 512 Mб видеопамяти
Инди-RPG от авторов оригинальной игры. По сюжету игрокам предстоит спасти планету от ужасной эпидемии, и для этого главному герою предстоит отправиться в недра древней лаборатории пришельцев, чтобы отыскать заветное лекарство.
• 3 доступных персонажа: пехотинец, разведчик и инженер.
• 4 уровня сложности, от «Лёгкого» до «Невозможного».
• 30 уровней подземелий.
• Более 50 видов оружия, среди которых ракетницы, огнеметы, плазменные пушки и многое другое.
• Вы можете создавать предметы из частей поверженных врагов.
• Множество способов сдохнуть: отравление, болезни, ловушки, радиация, голод и... монстры.
• Пошаговая игровая механика.
• Ремесло позволяет создавать специальные элементы из кусков ваших врагов.
• Более 60 вещей для исследования, от знакомых до древних экзотических технологий.
• Эффект Random, чтобы сделать каждую игру уникальной.
Доп информация по запуску
Для работы игры обязательно ставить DotNet и XNA из папки CommonRedist.
Версия игры
Critical fixes:
- Fixed rare keyboard crash a couple players reported.
Other fixes:
- Fixed (finally) bug: Burst-fire sometimes misfiring when poisoned/choked.
- Fixed bug: Level up sound playing when earning first experience in new game.
- Fixed attack animations holding last frame while shot travels to target.
- Fixed bug: Charge Hub infinite XP exploit.
- Fixed bug: Selection color in recipe list for crafting.
- Fixed bug: Enemies occupying the same square.
- Fixed visual issues with attack animations.
- Fixed bug: Interacting with devices while blind causing Outline to disappear.
- Fixed bug: Skill/Stat modifiers not showing descriptions when loading save game.
- Fixed bug: Extra ammo/items being discarded when picking up loot with full inventory.
Additions and changes:
- Enviromentally sealed armors now protect against gas attacks.
- Added notification if player equips a weapon they don't meet the requirements for.
- Added HUD toggle.
- Quantum Scan Helmet now reveals props.
- Adjusted monster variety on Floor 30 on Hard/Insane difficulty.
- Added dragging item onto another of the same size to swap positions in inventory.
- Added more info to SotsDex entries for weapons/armor/characters.
- Added moves remaining to HUD.
- Added grouping similar items when auto-sorting inventory.
- Added log entries in SotSDex for experience earned.
- Added context menu for shortcut items in Inventory.
- Auto-targeting will track last target.
- Skills now show stat contribution.
- Biomods/Keys grouped together in SotsDex, including post-identification.
- Energy Drink reduced speed increase from 2 to 1
- Changed recipe failure dialog colors. Green for success, yellow for valid but failed recipe, red for invalid recipe.
- New recipes and monsters.
- Changed anti-venom to have immediate effect (reduce poison 1 level.)
- Game now breaks grab if grabbing enemy is not within 1 square of target.
- Fixed some tools were not being used when crafting recipes.
- Fixed saved game exploits and bugs.
- Fixed no sounds for floors 11,16,21.
- Fixed some grenade issues.
- Fixed a grabbed character no longer moves when confused.
- Fixed tooltips showing for hidden traps when using quantum scan helmet.
- Fixed super Image Inducer bug.
- Fixed Knife/Blade/Spear skills are now based on Finesse (instead of Might.)
- Fixed enemy weapons not firing because they are too close to a wall.
- Fixed can now upgrade skill/stat, even if boosted over 100.
- Fixed AI sometimes appearing to teleport through objects.
- Fixed splash damage from shotguns would bypass armor for secondary targets. (sorry, gang)
- Fixed grenades were being destroyed by explosive damage frequently. They are now treated as items, not weapons.
- Fixed cyber scrambler would make organic enemies go berserk as well.
- Fixed lab station could be reused over and over by damaging it and repairing it.
Other changes and additions:
- Added "Auto Sort" to inventory.
- Added "Drop All" button to inventory.
- Added "Destoy" to context menu for inventory items.
- Added confirmation to "Destroy" and "Unload and Destroy" actions.
- Added warning when poison/radiation reduces stats below 5.
- Added recipe details to SotSDex.
- Task Dialog now selects tools which are "free" to use by default.
- Player gets credit for monsters killed by traps.
- charging hubs and repair stations made more efficient.
-Improved usability of large inventories by adjusting the grid to use more vertical space.
- Added "Equip Time" for armor to info displays.
- Added "Reload Time" for weapons to info displays.
- Sort SotsDex entries alphabetically.
- Added method to display custom stats for items (eg repair factor for repair tools.)
- Temporarily Removed GAMEPAD from build configuration until final compatibility is complete.
- Added recipe info for messages that unlock recipes.
- Augmentation hubs now use Decipher skill.
- If mimicked player attacks enemy, enemy will attack back.
- Added fully translated messages are Green in the SotsDex.
- Added more details to repair dialog.
- 7 new achievements.
- 3 new weapons.
- 2 new monsters.
- Basket-load of new Easter items.
- New recipes and messages.
New Additions
- Two new monsters
- Five new recipes
- Four new items
- Two new weapons
Critical Fixes
- Fixed Shrinking Inventory / Dropped Item crash
- Fixed Projectile crash
- Fixed equipping/dropped armor crash
Other Fixes
- Fixed various outlying issues
- Greek letters on key-card doors no longer display when door destroyed
- Characters wearing self-contained armor or who are immune to radiation no longer affected when in an irradiated room
- Play Again remembers Difficulty setting
- Fixed Hero SotSwich achievement unlocking prematurely
Other changes
- Added reload value to weapon stats
- Irradiated rooms now show effect for visual warning
- Tweaks to auto-save to make it more robust
- Three auto-save slots, one for each character class (meaning you can now have three different games on the go , one for each character)
- Added mouse targeting for weapons
- Increased force field belt duration
- Added access to SotSDex in main menu
- Decrypted recipes messages now unlock recipes in SotSDex automatically

Sword of the Stars. The Pit v1.0.4.0.torrent
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Статус: проверено (by Tirael4ik в 12-Апр-13 09:46)
Зарегистрирован: 12-Апр-13 01:32
Скачан: 253 раза
Размер: 671 MB | 
Скачать Sword of the Stars: The Pit.v 1.0.4 (Kerberos Productions) (ENG) [P] (Раздача папкой) торрент

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post 12-Апр-13 06:20 (спустя 4 часа)

Это не лицензия, а пиратка - исправьте.


post 12-Апр-13 08:19 (спустя 1 час 59 минут)

Скриншоты в тэг




post 12-Апр-13 09:36 (спустя 1 час 16 минут)

Спасибо большое, все поправил


post 12-Апр-13 10:03 (спустя 26 минут)

Спс, игра крутая.


post 12-Апр-13 12:48 (спустя 2 часа 44 минуты)

Игра супер. Однозначно стоит поиграть.

Текущее время: 17-Июн 23:08

Часовой пояс: GMT + 3

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