
Скачать торрент Victory At Sea Pacific (Evil Twin Artworks) (RUS|ENG|MULTi6) (v1.4.0 | upd. 18.04.2019) [L] - GOG

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post 15-Сен-18 10:43

Victory At Sea Pacific

Год выпуска: 14 сентября 2018 г.
Платформа: PC
Жанр: Strategy (RTS) / Simulator
Разработчик: Evil Twin Artworks
Издатель: Evil Twin Artworks
Тип издания: Лицензия
Версия: v1.4.0
Язык интерфейса: Русский / Английский / MULTi6
Язык озвучки: Английский
Таблетка: Не требуется (DRM Free)

ОС: Windows 7 64 bit
Процессор: Intel Core i5 2.6Ghz
Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
Видеокарта: GeForce 9800 GT
DirectX: Версии 9.0
Место на диске: 15 GB

Victory at Sea Pacific - захватывающая стратегия в реальном времени про морские сражения времён Второй мировой войны. Находите и уничтожайте вражеские флоты по всему Тихоокеанскому театру военных действий Второй мировой войны. Вступите в тактическое противостояние с неприятелем в огромном открытом мире войны на море в этой стратегии в реальном времени.
Спланируйте свою собственную кампанию в Victory at Sea Pacific, пробуйте изменить ход истории.

Victory at Sea Pacific - игра про морские сражения в сеттинге Второй мировой войны, где игрок может управлять как всем Тихоокеанским театром, так и отдельными кораблями и самолётами.
Топите вражеские корабли торпедами своей “волчьей стаи” подлодок или встаньте во главе капитанского мостика, чтобы отдавать приказы своим флотам и изменить ход войны.
Особенности игры:

Благодаря эпическому подходу этой военной стратегии в реальном времени игроки самостоятельно пишут свою собственную историю при помощи механики “песочницы” в открытом мире в отчаянной попытке одержать победу во Второй мировой войне.

Вам предлагается принять участие в игре в кошки-мышки с противником, когда вы рыскаете по морям в поисках флотов врага и отправляете подводные лодки, чтобы перерезать его линии снабжения.

В Victory at Sea Pacific вы можете скрытно проводить разведку позиций врага и организовывать крупномасштабные нападения с моря и воздуха с высадкой морского десанта против выбранных целей.

В боевых действиях в прибрежной зоне задействуется огромное число боевых единиц от десантных транспортов до различных самолётов и тяжёлых кораблей, которые проводят бомбардировки и обстреливают вражеские позиции в попытке обеспечить занятие ключевых точек союзными войсками.

Также Victory at Sea Pacific позволяет взять на себя командование авиационными эскадрильями, которые могут как атаковать флоты противника, так и вести разведку для обнаружения врага, где бы он ни находился.

Вы также можете улучшать работоспособность экипажей кораблей как в бою, так и вне его, устанавливая время боевых дежурств и время отдыха, а также распределяя пайки и следя за уровнем их боевого духа. Толкаете ли вы их к срыву или же нацелены на создание высококлассной команды, готовой к бою?

Выберите свою судьбу в Victory at Sea Pacific

В Victory At Sea Pacific ваша судьба зависит только от вас. Это война на Тихом океане - от самого первого выстрела до достижения окончательной и неоспоримой победы. Каждое столкновение с врагом играет важную роль, бои безжалостны, а их исход непредсказуем.

Улучшайте порты и стройте верфи для улучшения имеющихся и создания новых флотов, а затем направляйте их в различные части Тихоокеанского театра военных действий для выполнения боевых задач. Отправляйте подлодки для саботажа вражеских линий снабжения или же поднимайте в воздух авиацию для охоты за кораблями противника - выбор за вами.

Но не теряйте бдительности, стоит лишь пропустить вражеский флот в ночное время суток, и тогда его успешная атака на плохо защищённый союзный порт может стать началом вашего конца.

Итог войны в Тихоокеанском регионе зависит лишь от вас и принимаемых вами решений.

Огромный выбор кораблей.

С более чем 100 классами кораблей, представляющими тысячи судов, и десятками видов самолётов и множеством портов, расположенных по всему Тихому океану, Victory At Sea Pacific предоставляет безграничные стратегические возможности для вас как командующего Тихоокеанским театром военных действий Второй мировой войны.


Особенности Victory at Sea Pacific;

- Находите и уничтожайте вражеские флоты по всему Тихому океану
- Свободно переключайтесь между командованием всем Тихоокеанским театром и управлением отдельными кораблями и самолётами
- Улучшайте порты и стройте верфи
- Уничтожайте конвои снабжения, чтобы лишать вражеские порты ресурсов
- Устраивайте крупномасштабные нападения с высадкой морского десанта на главные порты
- Управляйте уникальными кораблями вроде подводного авианосца I-400
- Тренируйте экипажи под своим командованием, чтобы превратить их в закалённых боями морских волков
- Режим активной паузы позволяет без спешки отдавать приказы флотам, чтобы затем увидеть их исполнение в реальном времени
- Играйте за флоты Союзников или Оси (кампания за силы Оси будет доступна в ближайшем времени)

От мелких стычек с одиночными эсминцами и охоты на торговые суда до масштабных сражений с участием целых флотов, Victory at Sea Pacific - ваш билет в мир захватывающих сражений на опасных морских просторах Второй мировой войны.
- Руководство пользователя (PDF)
Инструкция по установке:
1. Установить игру.
2. Играть.

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15 KB

Статус: проверено (by REY в 18-Апр-19 06:08)
Зарегистрирован: 18-Апр-19 06:02
Скачан: 802 раза
Размер: 5.72 GB | 
Скачать Victory At Sea Pacific (Evil Twin Artworks) (RUS|ENG|MULTi6) (v1.4.0 | upd. 18.04.2019) [L] - GOG торрент

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post 15-Сен-18 10:43 (спустя 7 секунд)

patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.0.3_(23704)_to_1.0.4_(23842).exe - http://disk.karelia.pro/fVJgvQ8/
Patch 1.0.4:
Patch 1.0.4 (20 September 2018)

Gameplay tweaks:
If the target of a flight or ship's attack order is destroyed, they will keep attacking another target, instead of returning.
Aircraft that are not their squadron’s leader are shown as dots on the bridge screen.
Increased the spread of all ship weapons and coastal guns, and reduced the accuracy of aircraft against surface targets.
Supply convoys will try to oversupply ports if they have no alternative, rather than stay still.
Friendly fire now does no damage.
Ships’ critical hit effects no longer escalate (resulting in suddenly exploding ships) after leaving a battle.
Improved automatic resolution detection, and selecting a resolution on the options screen applies it immediately. Disabled aspect ratios other than 16:9 and 16:10, as these are unsupported.

Bug fixes:
Improved landmass avoidance for ships.
Non-player fleet markers are no longer selectable.
The stats popup on the fleet screen is correctly positioned at higher resolutions.
Reduced the sun glare, and fixed the midnight glow.
Fixed an instance of ships loading with the wrong rotation.
Correctly return squadron header to the list when failing to merge with a non-player-controllable fleet, or a fleet of a different faction.
Supply convoys can no longer to be split.
Upgraded anti-air weapons no longer take the place of gun turrets after loading a save.
Swapped aircraft payloads gain the correct stats, and flights swapped to torpedo bombs no longer forget how to use them after loading a save.
Fixed an instance of flights losing their global position.
Fixed an instance of ships not using their guns while selected, despite the player not taking manual control.
Added safeguards to prevent save file inflation. (broken saves should now work)
Aircraft repair at the correct speed.
Fixed an instance of ship’s flight deck at full health being considered destroyed.
Commodores are no longer promoted to the mysterious “Rank 9”
Fixed aircraft flights being assigned to two airfields simultaneously.
Crew can repair critical hits outside of combat view.
Fixed an instance of flights readying takeoff while not in the launch queue, leaving them grounded.
Fixed an instance of all fleets in the Pacific grinding to a halt.
Ports take the correct amount of time to upgrade.
patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.0.4_(23842)_to_1.0.5_(23871).exe - http://disk.karelia.pro/uyAMRY5/
Patch 1.0.5:
Patch 1.0.5 (20 September 2018)

Bug fixes:
Fighters have stopped refusing to follow intercept orders. Also, fighters whose ordered targets have been shot down will automatically pick another target.
Fighter squadrons may be ordered to intercept when the squadron leader is out of ammunition.
Fixed an instance of aircraft forgetting their bridge-level orders when entering the combat view.
Completely destroyed ports do not start battles.
Aircraft carrier AI will not try to order aircraft beyond the range for a return trip.
Bombs with the “Devastating” trait will deal devastating damage in bridge-level combat.
Fixed an instance of aircraft flights being kicked out of their navy and freezing in place.
patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.0.5_(23871)_to_1.0.6_(23985).exe - http://disk.karelia.pro/y0UO8zc/
Patch 1.0.6:
Patch 1.0.6 (26 September 2018)

The South Dakota-class battleship, Wasp-class carrier, and Brooklyn-class cruiser may be constructed in shipyards when unlocked.
Fighter AI will automatically pick a new target if their ordered intercept target lands, and will not always pick weaker targets over stronger ones.
Gun accuracy gradually increases as a ship fires on a single target.
Aircraft require 50% less aviation fuel, and supply ships carry 10% more aviation fuel.
Aircraft launched via the bridge will try to move together in formation.
Reduced the price of the Cherokee-class tugboat.

Added a UI scale slider to the options menu.
Updated some Russian-language text.

Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug where aircraft in combat view would forget an attack order given on the bridge.
Fixed an instance of aircraft teleporting to a distant airfield and landing.
Fixed an instance of aircraft getting stuck when loading into combat view while trying to take off.
Air raid sirens use the correct volume setting.
Aircraft on the bridge show the correct speed when selected.
Ship-launched seaplanes land closer to their home ship.
Aircraft squadrons load into combat view in their formations.
Ships account more accurately for their turning circles when using anti-submersible weapons.
Removed long delay on flights launching from airfields at high timescales.
Battle markers no longer linger after quitting to the main menu and re-entering the campaign.
Fighters cannot engage in dogfights without ammunition.
Fixed a bug where coastal structures could position themselves in the sea.
patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.0.6_(23985)_to_1.0.7_(24112).exe - http://disk.karelia.pro/6CbVzeF/
Patch 1.0.7:
Patch 1.0.7 (01 October 2018)

Local AA weapon range increased to 1km.
Evasive manoeuvres account for ships’ turning speeds.
Carrier fleets with launch permission toggled off will request permission to send aircraft against their ordered target fleet.
Ships’ local orders are cleared upon leaving combat view.

Added a windowed mode option.
Added support for more screen aspect ratios.
Updated Chinese-language text.
Reduced scrolling speed on Windows.

Bug fixes:
The South Dakota-class battleship is fully armed with 16-inch guns.
Atlanta-class cruisers now have twin 5-inch gun turrets.
The North Carolina-class battleship model shows the correct number of 16-inch guns per turret.
Ships in combat view always keep moving towards their bridge order’s destination, if they have no other orders.
Ports that finish upgrading while selected display their new aircraft.
Fixed a crash that could happen when checking aircraft height.
Fixed a bug causing aircraft stored in ports not to be saved.
Selecting all of an aircraft type on the bridge shows the range circle.
Flights with no aircraft remaining can be seen, and swapped out, on the flight selection panel.
Fixed a bug resulting in a merged fleet remaining partially docked.
Fixed a bug causing destroyed coastal structures to become active without repairing.
Removed delay on AI-controlled flights launching at high timescales.
Ports with functioning airfields won’t wait for nearby ports with destroyed airfields to launch first.
Ships with an upgraded damage stat and point value don’t lose it when loaded from a save.
DP guns automatically changing does not switch ships’ guns to manual fire mode.
The radial orders menu shows the correct order options when a squadron is selected.
Fixed ships sometimes bombarding destroyed structures and ignoring intact ones.
Fixed some UI elements for high UI scales.
Fixed an instance of aircraft incorrectly positioning themselves on carrier decks.
Fixed weapon subsystems sometimes showing incorrect crew assignments after loading a save.
Known Issues
We are still experiencing some invisible planes occasionally in combat view and are looking at pinning it down for the next patch
patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.0.7_(24112)_to_1.1.1_(24468).exe - http://file.sampo.ru/62d723/
Patch 1.1.1:
Patch 1.1.1

Hi everyone, As you know we have been collating everything and here is the next patch based on feedback, as I said previously we want to make this the game we all want to play and will continue to improve, so please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs.

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “Beta” there is no password required.

If it doesn't update right away select Properties again, local files and verify the integrity of the game.


• Improved the AI for ship formation movement, to keep ships moving at speed more often.
• Convoys now retain any surplus supplies when unloading into a port that can’t hold their entire cargo, instead of ditching them.
• Supply convoys now try to steer clear of enemy ports.


• Aircraft flights in the squadron list show the planes' campaign-level order, if they have no combat-level order.
• Added a toggle for v-sync.
• Added a warning icon when torpedoes are near a player’s ship.
• The upgrade button is available for Japanese home ports that are not major ports but have shipyards.

Bug fixes:

• Updated navigation to open up some impassable areas of sea in combat view.
• The resource panel shows the correct number of available bombs in a port.
• Fixed a bug where one aircraft flight in a squadron could forget its position.
• Fixed a bug (from the beta patch) where dive-bombers would refuse to dive-bomb.
• Fixed a bug where aircraft payloads could sometimes not be swapped.
• Can no longer order a fleet to merge into one of another navy.
• Fixed a bug where shells, bombs, and torpedoes could teleport away upon moving the camera.
• Fixed a bug where aircraft weapons could load incorrectly from saves.
• The Vought Corsair fighter has a shorter, more accurate range.
• Non-hostile Allied ports in the Japanese campaign do not declare war if the player starts combat with a hostile Allied fleet nearby.
• Stopped erroneously excessive shell amounts being taken from ports when resupplying.
• The atomic bomb collection icon does not show up unless that objective is active.
• Ships no longer ignore the presence of aircraft-launched torpedoes.
• Updated fleet movement mechanic, and fixed some formation and ship spawning issues.
• Fixed the supply convoy list getting confused by multiple convoys of the same name.
patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.1.1_(24468)_to_1.1.2_(24661).exe - http://file.sampo.ru/k783wf/
Patch 1.1.2:
Patch 1.1.2 (25 October 2018)

When ordered to attack, ships in a formation will stay in formation until their target is close to weapon range.
Bombers that have not yet dropped their payload will continue with an attack order even if the squadron leader is returning to its carrier or airfield.
Fighters automatically return home after expending their ammunition, but others in their squadron may likewise continue with an intercept order.
Added a toggle to bottom right of airfields to forbid their AI from automatically launching aircraft.
Added alert popups for spotting enemy aircraft.
Removed alert popups for spotting enemy convoys, or enemy fleets that are not currently at war.
A ship’s seaplanes floating on the water will automatically return home when the player leaves the area.
Seaplanes on the sea are visible in the bridge view.
Submersibles are less effective against ASW-armed ships in bridge combat.
Shifted some ports’ supply drop-off points.
Added more randomised names for non-historical US battleships.

Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug where an excessive number of sounds could attempt to play and reduce performance.
Aircraft squadron markers on the bridge show the total number of planes in the squadron, not just in the lead flight.
Bombers cannot bomb ports at an excessive distance during bridge combat.
Fixed a bug often preventing land-based AAA batteries from firing in bridge combat.
Reduced the lethality of land-based AAA in bridge combat, when it does fire.
The South Dakota-class battleship’s model now has all three 16-inch gun turrets.
Fixed a bug preventing damaged aircraft on an airfield from repairing.
Fixed a bug that could cause non-player faction squadrons to spawn in a tight cluster.
The exchange panel on the fleet screen shows the correct port’s name.
Improved AI for ships following a formation, so they will not intermittently try to double back on themselves.
Players can no longer order a flight armed with torpedoes or depth charges to attack a port.
Fixed a bug where a move order could end up targeting the wrong position.
Ensured the American campaign always starts at war, and the war state is correct when loading older saves.
Ensured that landed aircraft load from saves on their home carrier or airfield.
Ports do not send aircraft against deep-diving submersible fleets on the bridge.

Updated the intercept order icon on the squadron list.
Depleted bomb or ammunition icons are now red.
patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.1.2_(24661)_to_1.1.4_(24831).exe - http://file.sampo.ru/js8tww/
Patch 1.1.4:
Patch 1.1.4

Here’s the latest patch based on community feedback.
Main features include selecting a single torpedo for your subs!

Please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs. Please we try to monitor all your conversations and suggestions so if something has not appeared that you have suggested does not mean it isn't coming.


• Submarine torpedoes can be manually fired individually, by lowering the spread below the minimum.
• AI carrier fleets will retreat if all their bomber flights have been lost.
• Large aircraft drop their payloads (except torpedoes or nuclear bombs) as multiple bombs.
• Added a button to select all kamikaze aircraft on a ship.
• Added buttons to select all bombers, torpedo bombers, kamikazes, and fighters, and to recall all aircraft, to airfields.
• Aircraft repair at the same rate regardless of their toughness.

Bug fixes:

• Fleets should not be repositioned in a port attack if they are raiding with aircraft outside gun range.
• Fixed a bug that could cause ships to be partially disassociated from their fleet in patch 1.1.3.
• Fixed a bug that could cause the tutorial to become stuck.
• Aircraft selection buttons immediately refresh upon swapping out aircraft payloads.


• Colour-coded the fleet morale icons.
• Added an option to simplify flight UIs.
• Added additional feedback when weapons are unable to fire.


post 16-Сен-18 00:33 (спустя 13 часов)

Вот есть 1 часть игры Victory at Sea 2014 года http://rustorka4.innal.top/forum/viewtopic.php?t=170283 но сырая версия 1.0 а уже есть версия 1.4 где игру пропатчили и довели до ума-совсем другая игра стала.Версию 1.4 добыл, но в виде архива 350Мб https://yadi.sk/d/7-d5SMHg3Rdq25 (инсталляторы делать не умею). Таблетка от CODEX из раздачи к нему так же подходит.Может, кто сделает и зальёт сюда-Будем очень Благодарны!


post 16-Сен-18 08:30 (спустя 7 часов)


Victory At Sea GOG v1.4 - 428.2 Мб - http://disk.karelia.pro/gOrWvVC/




post 16-Сен-18 22:20 (спустя 13 часов)

Ц REY писал(а):

Victory At Sea
Большое СПАСИБО! Всех Благ в Жизни и на Русторке ВАМ!


post 17-Сен-18 20:47 (спустя 22 часа)

Торрент файл перезалит. Игра обновлена до версии v1.0.3. Списка изменений нет.


post 17-Сен-18 23:45 (спустя 2 часа 57 минут)

в место океана в игре синяя пропасть , ни кто не знает как решить проблему ?


post 18-Сен-18 11:18 (спустя 11 часов)

Благодарю за релиз!


post 21-Сен-18 00:51 (спустя 2 дня 13 часов)

patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.0.3_(23704)_to_1.0.4_(23842).exe - http://disk.karelia.pro/fVJgvQ8/
Patch 1.0.4 - 20 September 2018:
Patch 1.0.4 (20 September 2018)

Gameplay tweaks:
If the target of a flight or ship's attack order is destroyed, they will keep attacking another target, instead of returning.
Aircraft that are not their squadron’s leader are shown as dots on the bridge screen.
Increased the spread of all ship weapons and coastal guns, and reduced the accuracy of aircraft against surface targets.
Supply convoys will try to oversupply ports if they have no alternative, rather than stay still.
Friendly fire now does no damage.
Ships’ critical hit effects no longer escalate (resulting in suddenly exploding ships) after leaving a battle.
Improved automatic resolution detection, and selecting a resolution on the options screen applies it immediately. Disabled aspect ratios other than 16:9 and 16:10, as these are unsupported.

Bug fixes:
Improved landmass avoidance for ships.
Non-player fleet markers are no longer selectable.
The stats popup on the fleet screen is correctly positioned at higher resolutions.
Reduced the sun glare, and fixed the midnight glow.
Fixed an instance of ships loading with the wrong rotation.
Correctly return squadron header to the list when failing to merge with a non-player-controllable fleet, or a fleet of a different faction.
Supply convoys can no longer to be split.
Upgraded anti-air weapons no longer take the place of gun turrets after loading a save.
Swapped aircraft payloads gain the correct stats, and flights swapped to torpedo bombs no longer forget how to use them after loading a save.
Fixed an instance of flights losing their global position.
Fixed an instance of ships not using their guns while selected, despite the player not taking manual control.
Added safeguards to prevent save file inflation. (broken saves should now work)
Aircraft repair at the correct speed.
Fixed an instance of ship’s flight deck at full health being considered destroyed.
Commodores are no longer promoted to the mysterious “Rank 9”
Fixed aircraft flights being assigned to two airfields simultaneously.
Crew can repair critical hits outside of combat view.
Fixed an instance of flights readying takeoff while not in the launch queue, leaving them grounded.
Fixed an instance of all fleets in the Pacific grinding to a halt.
Ports take the correct amount of time to upgrade.


post 21-Сен-18 18:43 (спустя 17 часов)

Спасибо за раздачу, что то на моей 730 даже на средних фпс проседал прилично. Там кстати 1.0.5 вышел, обнови пожалуйста.


post 22-Сен-18 04:12 (спустя 9 часов)

Ц miv79 писал(а):

Спасибо за раздачу, что то на моей 730 даже на средних фпс проседал прилично. Там кстати 1.0.5 вышел, обнови пожалуйста.
да-да, очень ждём- плиз ;)


post 22-Сен-18 09:01 (спустя 4 часа)

Спасибо! Игра классная, чем то давнюю игрушку « Стальные монстры. Союзники” напомнила


post 22-Сен-18 14:04 (спустя 5 часов)

Джапов для игрока, пока еще просто не включили в гранд компанию ?


post 24-Сен-18 02:12 (спустя 1 день 12 часов)

Victory at Sea Pacific: Patch 1.0.5 is on Beta
Скрытый текст
Hi everyone, As you know we have been collating everything and here is the next patch based on feedback, as I said previously we want to make this the game we all want to play and will continue to improve, so please keep sending us your feedback as we will be tweaking and fixing beyond the bugs.

In order to play this game go into your library, right click on the name Victory At Sea Pacific and click Properties. under BETAS, select “Beta” there is no password required.

If it doesn't update right away select Properties again, local files and verify the integrity of the game.

Bug fixes:

Fighters have stopped refusing to follow intercept orders. Also, fighters whose ordered targets have been shot down will automatically pick another target. Fighter squadrons may be ordered to intercept when the squadron leader is out of ammunition. Fixed an instance of aircraft forgetting their bridge-level orders when entering the combat view. Completely destroyed ports do not start battles. Aircraft carrier AI will not try to order aircraft beyond the range for a return trip. Bombs with the “Devastating” trait will deal devastating damage in bridge-level combat. Fixed an instance of aircraft flights being kicked out of their navy and freezing in place


post 25-Сен-18 09:18 (спустя 1 день 7 часов)

patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.0.4_(23842)_to_1.0.5_(23871).exe - http://disk.karelia.pro/uyAMRY5/
Patch 1.0.5:
Patch 1.0.5 (20 September 2018)

Bug fixes:
Fighters have stopped refusing to follow intercept orders. Also, fighters whose ordered targets have been shot down will automatically pick another target.
Fighter squadrons may be ordered to intercept when the squadron leader is out of ammunition.
Fixed an instance of aircraft forgetting their bridge-level orders when entering the combat view.
Completely destroyed ports do not start battles.
Aircraft carrier AI will not try to order aircraft beyond the range for a return trip.
Bombs with the “Devastating” trait will deal devastating damage in bridge-level combat.
Fixed an instance of aircraft flights being kicked out of their navy and freezing in place.
добавлено спустя 32 минуты:

Торрент файл перезалит. Игра обновлена до версии 1.0.5.


post 27-Сен-18 05:38 (спустя 1 день 20 часов)

patch_victory_at_sea_pacific_1.0.5_(23871)_to_1.0.6_(23985).exe - http://disk.karelia.pro/y0UO8zc/
Patch 1.0.6:
Patch 1.0.6 (26 September 2018)

The South Dakota-class battleship, Wasp-class carrier, and Brooklyn-class cruiser may be constructed in shipyards when unlocked.
Fighter AI will automatically pick a new target if their ordered intercept target lands, and will not always pick weaker targets over stronger ones.
Gun accuracy gradually increases as a ship fires on a single target.
Aircraft require 50% less aviation fuel, and supply ships carry 10% more aviation fuel.
Aircraft launched via the bridge will try to move together in formation.
Reduced the price of the Cherokee-class tugboat.

Added a UI scale slider to the options menu.
Updated some Russian-language text.

Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug where aircraft in combat view would forget an attack order given on the bridge.
Fixed an instance of aircraft teleporting to a distant airfield and landing.
Fixed an instance of aircraft getting stuck when loading into combat view while trying to take off.
Air raid sirens use the correct volume setting.
Aircraft on the bridge show the correct speed when selected.
Ship-launched seaplanes land closer to their home ship.
Aircraft squadrons load into combat view in their formations.
Ships account more accurately for their turning circles when using anti-submersible weapons.
Removed long delay on flights launching from airfields at high timescales.
Battle markers no longer linger after quitting to the main menu and re-entering the campaign.
Fighters cannot engage in dogfights without ammunition.
Fixed a bug where coastal structures could position themselves in the sea.


post 28-Сен-18 02:56 (спустя 21 час)


Большое спасибо Вам, за то, что Патчите эту Классную игру! ;)


post 28-Сен-18 10:26 (спустя 7 часов)

pasha74_74 я тут не причем, патчи же выпускает GOG, не я, сама игра и патч скачаны с другого ресурса, скачать от туда и залить сюда ничего сверхъестественного нету, это может сделать любой другой.


post 28-Сен-18 22:40 (спустя 12 часов)


ну это понятно, но всё равно за то, что выкладываетп и заливаете на этот Трекер-Большое СПАСИБО!


post 29-Сен-18 10:36 (спустя 11 часов)

А что в игре разрешение только 720 на 1080 нету а то у меня в маленьком квадрате игра получается

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