
Скачать торрент Spellforce 3 (THQ Nordic) (RUS/ENG/MULTI8) [L] - GOG

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post 22-Дек-17 09:14

Доброе утро!! Встаньте пожалуйста кто-нибудь на раздачу!!!


post 22-Дек-17 09:18 (спустя 3 минуты)

Tanushka636 если игра уже была ранее скачана, то загрузите отдельно патчи и обновитесь.


post 22-Дек-17 10:58 (спустя 1 час 40 минут)

Я правильно понимаю - инсталлер версии 1.16 (или около того) и сверху отдельно накатываются патчи? Т.е. сам инсталлер не последней версии?


post 22-Дек-17 11:00 (спустя 1 минута)

В имени инсталлера прописана версия игры - прочтите и вам станет понятно какой версии конкретно у Вас инсталлер.


post 22-Дек-17 11:01 (спустя 1 минута)

Да, уже увидел, спасибо. Руки впереди головы. ))

post 22-Дек-17 12:59 (спустя 1 час 58 минут)

Топик был перенесен из форума Горячие Новинки в форум RPG



post 22-Дек-17 18:59 (спустя 7 часов)

Можно подробней пожалуйста, как патчить? У меня версия Хаттаба, v 1.15


post 22-Дек-17 20:05 (спустя 1 час 5 минут)

Ц ivansy писал(а):

Можно подробней пожалуйста, как патчить? У меня версия Хаттаба, v 1.15
Качаеш только;
Патчить нужно по очереди, не факт что получится поскольку у тебя репак.
Скрытый текст
patch_spellforce_3_1.15_(17178)_to_1.16_(17220).exe 9.20 MB (9655888)
patch_spellforce_3_1.16_(17220)_to_1.17_(17231).exe 7.82 MB (8206440)
patch_spellforce_3_1.17_(17231)_to_1.18_(17245).exe 7.13 MB (7478176)
patch_spellforce_3_1.18_(17245)_to_1.19_(17258).exe 23.40 MB (24541568)
patch_spellforce_3_1.19_(17258)_to_1.20_(17279).exe 7.34 MB (7706904)
patch_spellforce_3_1.20_(17279)_to_1.21_(17294).exe 6.95 MB (7297904)
patch_spellforce_3_1.21_(17294)_to_1.22_(17314).exe 9.47 MB (9935072)


post 22-Дек-17 23:07 (спустя 3 часа)



post 24-Дек-17 21:41 (спустя 1 день 22 часа)


А какая из новых игр лучше и эРПэГэшней? ELEX ? wonder


post 25-Дек-17 22:17 (спустя 1 день)

Чёт патчей новых не видно, мб разрабы ушли на каникулы


post 09-Янв-18 22:40 (спустя 15 дней)

SpellForce 3 Update 1.23
- Fixed "Riches of the all Father" quest trigger
- Fixed a possible issue that would cause infinite/incorrect dialogue behaviour in the Old-Haalayash Bonus Mission
- Fixed an issue that would not trigger a certain quest-dialogue on The Unknown Island in some occasions
- Fixed an issue that would not finish "The Provisions"-Quest on Aonir's Blade
- Fixed a potential issue that would not correctly trigger a cutscene on Aonir's Blade
- Fixed an issue that would not allow players to start "The Mentalists"-Quest and finish "Unwavering Resolve"-Quest on Aonir's Blade.
- Various fixes in companion-related dialogues
- Various smaller visual fixes on some levels
- Campaign: Second orc mission greatly rebalanced on all difficulty settings
- Campaign: First human mission rebalanced on all difficulty settings
- Campaign: Some balancing changes for the first two rts missions with enemies on all difficulty settings
- Campaign: Some encounters improved later in the game


post 09-Янв-18 22:41 (спустя 1 минута)

разрабы вышли из запоя и снова открыли цех по производству заплаток rofl


post 12-Янв-18 22:44 (спустя 3 дня)

SpellForce 3 Update 1.24
- Reduced the amount of tribute required for The God-King
- It has also been reported that some traders in Everlight started to sell smelly meat...
- Fixed an issue that would not allow players to talk to an important NPC in Old-Haalayash after gathering all shards
- The quest "The Protectors" now completes after finishing the main quest, even if the player did not utilize RTS
- Fixed a potential issue that would not allow the player to talk to the Loyalist Leader in Iskander Wilds
- Fixed a potential issue that would cause the artefact on Barga Gor not to work
- Fixed an issue that would not let players finish the Main Quest on The Unknown Island
- Fixed an issue that would not let players complete Qirr's Quest in Everlight
добавлено спустя 4 часа 44 минуты:
SpellForce 3 Update 1.25
- Fixed popup window appearing underneath slots in multiplayer lobby
- Fixed gathered resources statistic
- Fixed Avatar not being able to interact with daughter on "Lingering Hope"-Quest
- Added savegame-compatibility for goblin meat traders
- Fixed Artifact-Interaction in Barga Gor and added an effect to mark the appropriate spot
- Fixed enemy waves not approaching their target in Barga Gor
- Fixed a missing NPC in Barga Gor
- Fixed a desync that could be triggered by Kiss of Nor and other spells
- Game difficulty is kept when changing levels in coop game
- Fixed a possible issue that would prevent one of the final dialogues in Old-Haalayash to start
- Improved savegame selection speed in mp lobby
- Reduced memory usage during multiplayer games
- Enabled load game button in pause menu for mp coop hosts
- Campaign: Aonirs Blade all bosses now beatable on higher difficulty, several balancing changes
- Campaign: Aonirs Blade, Kiroy can now be healed in the final phase of the mission
- Campaign: Resistance and immunity potions now last considerably longer (+100%, +50%)


post 13-Янв-18 09:38 (спустя 10 часов)

День добрый ! А сам патч 1.25 будет или ссылка на его скачивание ?


post 15-Янв-18 20:23 (спустя 2 дня 10 часов)

Патч в папке с патчами patch_spellforce_3_1.24_(17809)_to_1.25_(17827).exe 47.16 MB (49455080)


post 17-Янв-18 22:18 (спустя 2 дня 1 час)

SpellForce 3 Update 1.26
- You can now manage the equipment and abilities of ALL your heroes while in Mulandir and on the World Map
(if you are loading an existing savegame in the Nexus, you may need to exit to Mulandir once in order for the party management to be unlocked)
- Fixed an issue that would prevent a chest in Everlight: Slaugtherhouse from being opened
- Fixed inspection texts on locked chests not being displayed
- Fixed several artefact-related issues on various maps
- Fixed possible crash in mp lobby
- Fixed no auto-saves being created in campaign coop
- Fixed workers not moving in some older savegames
- Fixed carriages looking in wrong direction when leaving sector centers
- Fixed XP distribution and loot drops for sacrificed creatures
- Fixed a potential issue that would cause players to not be able to leave the Scorching Desert: Oasis
- Fixed the Quest 'Holding a Grudge' at Farlorn's hope
- Fixed an inaccessible room at the Greykeep Barracks
- Fixed an issue in Liannon that caused the Heroparty being stuck after a dialogue
- Fixed an issue where you could not talk to Silverhand on Old-Haalayash
- Fixed a questline issue at The Eye
- Fixed '47 Blemishes' Side Quest
- Fixed reinforcements being hostile on The Golden Road
- Fixed steam join/invite inside running application
- Implemented two missing multiplayer related steam achievements
- Drastically reduced delay when opening campaign/pause/load/save/replay menus when the player has a lot of savegames/replays
- Added a note revealing the final digit of the combination lock in Everlight in case you don't want to guess it
- Localization update: fixed missing translations and translation errors, lots of minor improvements
- Campaign: The Eye 1 balancing changes regarding encounters and combat

SpellForce 3 Update 1.27
- It is now possible to collect resources with your heroes even if you do not yet have an RTS base
- Fixed equipment of heroes in hero selection not being updated if the player changes it while the hero selection is open
- Fixed hero name tooltips not being displayed over portraits of heroes not currently in the party
- Fixed ability tooltips not being displayed for heroes not currently in the party
- Loading screen narrations will no longer be skipped automatically when playing co-op (can still be skipped manually if all players press space)
- When playing a singleplayer skirmish game, the loading screen will now behave like in the singleplayer campaign
- Several fixes and improvements to english dialogue voice overs
- Various minor fixes and improvements
- Campaign: Small balancing changes in later Mulandir encounters

SpellForce 3 Update 1.28
- Fixed enormous amount of replay data being produced, slowing down games
(hint: check your SpellForce3/replays folder and delete replays if needed)
- Fixed wrong selections when selection frame is too small
- Fixed an issue that caused the Quest 'The World Within' not being completable


post 20-Янв-18 11:47 (спустя 2 дня 13 часов)

Ц cv1 писал(а):

SpellForce 3 Update 1.26
SpellForce 3 Update 1.27
SpellForce 3 Update 1.28
facepalm facepalm facepalm
пришел за патчем 1.27 ( гудолддаунлоад в маинтайнсе ) , вышел 1.28 ! Песец контора THQnordic , господи за что они деньги то вообще получают ?!


post 20-Янв-18 19:49 (спустя 8 часов)


Windows 7 platform update is not installed. Please download:


т.к. у меня Х64, то и качал я Windows6.1-KB2670838-x64
сразу игра запустится после установки обновления\перезапуска ОС.


При изменении настроек графики\смены языка требуется перезапустить игру, но затем игра отказывается запускаться. Короче. Самый простой способ: перезагрузка.


Вы изменили язык на РУССКИЙ, но шрифты перестали отображаться. Решение: перезапускаем игру. У меня заработали после второй попытки.
вердикт: 20 патчей и ещё миллион багов.


post 24-Янв-18 19:07 (спустя 3 дня)

Patch 1.29 (23 January 2018)
Fixed elven faction upgrade not being recognized if a certain character did not die during the mission
Fixed alignment of character portraits on ultra widescreen resolutions
Fixed some more minor errors in German and Korean localizations
Fixed an issue that would not allow players to talk to Arlan after finding the source of the corruption in Leafshade
Fixed some doors no longer correctly blocking the player's path after loading a savegame
Fixed an issue with the 'Macabre Market' Quest
Added a missing piece for Isgrimm's armor
Fixed an issue that would not allow the player to interact with the portal altar on Unknown Island
Fixed an issue that caused the Quest 'Corrupted Hearts' being not completable
Campaign: Late game enemy faction, minor unit balancing changes
Campaign: The Golden Road, improved pacing and balancing of the enemy faction on all difficulties
Update 1.30 - Bugfixes & Balancing Updates
- It's now possible to see directly (via color/tooltip) whether a blueprint is already unlocked
- Fixed caret being displayed in incorrect position in empty input fields and password fields
- Fixed items remaining visible on characters even if they no longer fullfilled the requirements for using them (e.g. after drinking reskill potion)
- Reduced lag when opening replay menu
- Fixed details for replay files not being displayed in replay menu
- Fixed player not being able to split item stacks in trade window
- Fixed creatures clipping through prison cell door (and other thin obstacles)
- Fixed broken interaction on some level objects
- Fixed possible hanging in loading screen at 100% after level change in mp coop games
- Fixed possible crash on quickload during mp coop games
- Fixed an issue that would prevent the player from choosing a Scryer in Leafshade
- Fixed an issue that would keep repeating the scribe's dialogue in Windwall Foothills
- Fixed possible mp coop level change crash that could happen when players have noticably different system performance
- Fixed error message in skirmish coop that would wrongly say that not all coop privileges were distributed
- Added context menu on hero equipment slots
- Added scroll indicators in spellbook if spell description is too long to be displayed at once
- Added sorting functionality to trader UI
- Improved hero positioning in hero selection screen
- Campaign: Aonirs Blade second enemy faction, rts gameplay improved on all difficulties
Patch 1.31 (5 February 2018)
BUG FIXES:-Fixed control of the player's base always being passed to a Human AI instead of the player's chosen race during The Impenetrable Cage quest.
"Create Resource"-Abilities (Ultimate Abilities of Leadership tree) can now correctly only be cast on Sector Centers
- Brought back missing artefact pieces from the void that were still not willing to show up at the appropriate place and time.
- Fixed a possible issue that led to the player not being able to travel to Monastery Ruins.
- Fixed a possible crash when a hero leaves the player's hero party.
- Fixed some possible issues with saving/loading of the players' selections and control groups in multiplayer/coop.
- Fixed multiplayer trader accidentally selling a few debug items.
BALANCING:- Campaign: Iskander Wilds, Myrah mission, rts gameplay improved on all difficulties.
- Campaign: The Eye Prison of Mind, rts gameplay improved on all difficulties.
- Greatly reduced time to switch savegames in multiplayer coop campaign menu.
- Added quests to help track collection of artefact parts and materials for Isgrimm's armor.
SpellForce 3 Editor & Mod Tools (9 February 2018)
Today we'd like to share with you the level editor and initial set of mod tools. These tools have been directly used to create the game so there is a lot to be achieved with those. It also comes with a documentation and example maps.

Please check the editor folder in the install folder for the documentation and samples.
In addition to that you can find the scripting wiki here: http://sf3scripting.spellforce.com/index.php?title=Main_Page
We have plans to release more modding possibilities in the future as well as Steam workshop support.

Текущее время: 02-Июн 14:35

Часовой пояс: GMT + 3

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