
Скачать торрент Snow Sakura / Снежная Сакура (D.O., G-Collections) [uncen] (VN, Adventure, Straight, Oral sex, Bukkake) (2003) (JAP/ENG) [Р]

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post 21-Ноя-09 19:42


Русское название: Снежная Сакура
Английское название: Snow Sakura
Оригинальное название (японское): 雪桜~ゆきざくら~ / Yuki Zakura
Релиз: 28 Ноября 2003 года (D.O.), 13 Декабря 2007 (G-Collections)
Жанр: VN, Adventure, Straight, Oral sex, Bukkake
Цензура: Отсутствует ;)
Разработчик: D.O.
Издательство: G-Collections
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Пиратка
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Язык перевода: Японский (голоса персонажей)
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык субтитров: Английский
Системные требования:
Процессор Intel / AMD 200 МГц
64 Мб памяти
700 Мб на винчестере
Snow Sakura - игра в которой очаровательная история написанная мастером эроновелы Kitagawa Samui (по версии Erogamescape) сочетаться с прекрасным и эротичным графическим оформлением от иллюстратора Shikei. Эта игра является истинным "renai" (повесть о настоящей любви), наполненным смехом, радостью, и нежной страстью. Snow Sakura - это романтическая история которую вы некогда не забудете.
Описание с сайта издателя (ENG):
With a captivating story from veteran scriptwriter and novelist Kitagawa Samui (Erogamescape) and beautiful, subtly erotic art from doujin artist and game illustrator Shikei, G-Collections is proud to present a classic "renai" ("true love") bishoujo game. With the windswept background of the Hokkaido winter countryside as its setting, full of moments of laughter, joy, and tender passion, Snow Sakura is a heartwarming tale of romance that you'll never forget.
Story Contents (С сайта издателя)
My name is Tachibana Yuuji, a regular student with no particular plans for the future - until my parents left for Hawaii on a business trip last fall, leaving me in the care of my uncle in the wintry countryside of Hokkaido.

Small-town life on Japan's northern island didn't have time to get dull, as from the moment I got there I was reunited with my cousin and childhood friend Saki. She's pretty demanding, but when I'm hanging out with her and her school friends I don't mind; as I get close to them I feel like I'm finding meaning in life that I didn't know I was looking for.

Legend says there is a flower that blooms here in the depth of winter... as the twilight deepens and a snowflake melts in the palm of my hand, I stand with a beautiful girl by my side. Will we be able to uncover its mystery in this fleeting moment?

I rescued her from her mysterious assailant, to learn that the town was living under constant fear of attack from a gang of marauding bandits led by a cruel woman called Jammy. It seems my vacation won't be so uneventful after all! I set out to find information on the gang's hideout, and a new adventure begins...
Предыстория (оч кривой перевод)
Меня зовут Tachibana Yuuji, я обычный студент без серьезных планов на будущее, по крайней мере так было до тех пор, как мои родители не уехали прошлой осенью по делам на Гавайи, оставив меня на попечение дяде в зимней деревне на Хокайдо.
Деревенская жизнь на северном Японском острове не оставляла мне времени скучать, после приезда я встретился с моей кузиной и другом детства Saki (ну и имечко ). Она очень требовательна, но когда я гуляю с ней и ее школьными друзьями я не возражаю, когда я рядом с ней то чувствую, что нашел смысл жизни, которого раньше не видел (да, не там его философы ищут ).
В легендах говорится о цветке который цветет здесь по среди зимы... , в сгущающихся сумерках, и с тающей на моей ладони снежинкой, я стою с красивой девушкой. Сможем ли мы ,в этот чарующий, разгадать тайну легендарного цветка?
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Tachibana Saki
Your cousin, and now housemate. Rather than a sister she feels more like another guy friend to you, which eases your transition into her circle of friends. Her house used to be a ryokan, and she's good friends with everyone in the neighborhood. She does the cleaning & laundry herself, and thanks to her chef father she's a pretty good cook, too. Her grades aren't great, though, and academically she's a bit on the slow side.
Souya Misaki
Your classmate. She's always full of energy and is generally level-headed, but is a terrible cook. As the class beauty she's always been popular among her male classmates, but because Kozue is constantly protecting her she's virtually impossible to approach - considered an "impossible dream" by most. Her grades are average, except for Japanese History which she learns from her older sister.
Hiyama Kozue
Your classmate and Misaki's inseparable best friend, who seems to have faint yuri tendencies. She's smart and capable, quick with wordplay and enjoys making verbal jabs that exploit others' weaknesses. There are none who surpass her intelligence-gathering capability. Her grades are above average but not outstanding, though there are rumors that she deliberately marks questions wrong to avoid unwanted attention.
Kisaragi Rei
A third-year student, your senpai and a leader of Misaki's school club. While she's the diligent, hard-working class president type, she doesn't treat others harshly, more like a kind older sister. She enjoys mahjong, often using it in metaphors. Her grades are of course top class, and she's considered the brightest hope of the school. She lives in a Shinto shrine, and helps out there as a miko (shrine priestess) during the New Year's festivities.
Souya Misato
Misaki's older sister, and your Japanese History teacher. She's a fan of the Bakumatsu period and of Hijikata Toshizou. She's naturally airheaded, and outside of her chosen field is rather useless for anything else, though for some reason she's a really good cook. She's capable of stumbling on perfectly level ground, and has been known to fall asleep during her own lessons. This seems to make her all the more attractive, forming with Misaki the school's popular pair of sisters.
Прохождение (ENG)
Snow Sakura Walkthrough
FAQ & Walkthrough By: justnar ([email protected])
Version 1.0 (3 January 2008)
This Game is intended for MATURE Audiences ONLY!!!
It is filled with graphic sexual content.
So, this game is not for persons under the age of 18.
If you feel offended by such material, PLEASE do not read any further !!!
-above all, i just feel uneasy
-put friendship first
-it's a pain, just forget about it
-look away resentfully
-ariwara no narihira
-kokin waka-shu
-well, yeah
-your parents wanted you to grow up pure and noble
-get a short-range shot of our facial expressions
-don't take revenge
-deny it
-go back to pick it up
-my same class's......
-call out to him
-i'll handle saki
-smell them
-speak frankly
-go along with it
-a few
-embrace her
-it's truly a cute group of girls
-well, i think she's cute
-put friendship first
-go to buy juice after eating
-meet kozue's gaze resentfully
-ariwara no narihira
-kokin waka-shu
-well, yeah
-but when the snow melts it becomes a clear river
-get a tracking shot of our movements from afar
-take revenge
-i can't deny it
-i guess it's ok......
-my same class's......
-it's not my problem
-i'll handle sumiyoshi
-think about it
-go along with it
-a lot
-get it for her
-it's......it's good. really.
-it's truly a cute group of girls
-average, i guess......
-put friendship first
-it's a pain, forget about it
-look away resentfully
-ariwara no narihira
-kokin waka-shu
-no, i'm fascinated with you
-ask her straight up
-your parents wanted you to grow up pure and noble
-get a short-range shot of our facial expressions
-take revenge
-deny it
-i guess it's ok......
-my same class's......
-call out to him
-i'll handle sumiyoshi
-think about it
-a lot
-it's truly a cute group of girls
-average, i guess......
-leave sumiyoshi behind and run away
-of course, i do
-it's pon
-after my final "tsumo"
-it's a pain forget about it
-meet kozue's gaze resentfully
-slap her cheek lightly
-let the topic pass without comment
-ariwara no narihira
-kokin waka-shu
-well, yeah
-your parents wanted you to grow up pure and noble
-get a short-range shot of our facial expressions
-take revenge
-deny it
-i guess it's ok......
-my elder
-give in
-hide my face with a mask
-it's not my problem
-i'll handle sumiyoshi
-speak frankly
-a lot
-you're cute
-above all, i just feel uneasy
-put friendship first
-it's a pain, just forget about it
-meet kozue's gaze resentfully
-ariwara no narihira
-kokin waka-shu
-well, yeah
-your parents wanted you to grow up pure and noble
-get a short-range shot of our facial expressions
-take revenge
-deny it
-i guess it's ok......
-my elder
-call out to him
-i'll handle sumiyoshi
-i like girls like you, miss misato
-think about it
-go along with it
-a few
-say "ahhn"
-ito hirobumi
-emperor shirakawa
-the taika era
-the treaty of shimoda
Bonus Scene:
after cleared all the girl's check the scene section
to see bonus scene with kuroki.
I made this guide by trial and error, so don't expect to ask me anything about
Japanese history and related stuff stated in the game...
Me, justnar
D.O for creating this game
G-Collections for translating this game
gamefaqs.com, for hosting this walkthrough
Feel free to use this FAQ on your site.
Email me if you have comments or suggestions.
Из игрового процесса

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:up::oops: Наслаждайтесь :oops::up:

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Статус: проверено (by LuCiferW в 04-Дек-09 13:39)
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Размер: 650 MB | 
Скачать Snow Sakura / Снежная Сакура (D.O., G-Collections) [uncen] (VN, Adventure, Straight, Oral sex, Bukkake) (2003) (JAP/ENG) [Р] торрент

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post 21-Ноя-09 19:45 (спустя 3 минуты)

букыенное название из шапки убери


post 21-Ноя-09 19:48 (спустя 3 минуты)

уже )))


post 21-Ноя-09 20:12 (спустя 23 минуты)

Оригинальное название (японское): - :shock: где?


post 21-Ноя-09 20:14 (спустя 2 минуты)

японское это иероглифами но я не могу его найти (


post 21-Ноя-09 20:16 (спустя 2 минуты)

дак убери эту строку!


post 21-Ноя-09 20:26 (спустя 9 минут)

雪の桜 както так
Susugi Sakura


post 21-Ноя-09 20:43 (спустя 16 минут)

Не верь гуглу (:


post 21-Ноя-09 21:52 (спустя 1 час 9 минут)

Я создаю счас свой инсталлятор этой игры =) (этот уж слишком старый и деинсталяттор копирует в папку с виндой мне это ненравится) когда скачаете я создам другую раздачу эту возможно удалят )


post 22-Ноя-09 00:53 (спустя 3 часа)

Ц Mikoto писал(а):

Не верь гуглу (:
Дооо :(

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